Monday, October 31, 2011

Creating BCD from scratch with BCDedit.exe and add "Repair my computer" WinRE Recovery Environment

My Boot Configuration Data (BCD Store) for my Windows 7 got hosed and I had to delete it and boot off a Windows DVD, hit Shift + F10 to get at a command prompt, delete my old BCD and run Bootrec.exe /rebuildBCD to even be able to boot my system. But RebuildBCD left the file with the bare minimum necessary to boot, nearly blank, and I lost the option to run "Repair My Computer" from the F8 screen. I found a useful website: that helped me get back on the right track, but I had to dabble around myself to get all the settings that Windows 7 Installation would normally handle. Follow these instructions to restore your BCD file so that you can run "Repair" off the hard drive instead of digging around for a DVD. "bcdedit /enum all" lists your BCD config and "bcdedit /enum all /v" lists all GUIDs instead of friendlynames. the GUID's I have listed ARE different (make sure you check the 8th digit). Before you begin you might want to do "bcdedit /export C:\before.BCD".

  • 1. Create necessary optional entries

bcdedit /create {globalsettings}
bcdedit /create {bootloadersettings}
bcdedit /create {resumeloadersettings}
bcdedit /create {emssettings}
bcdedit /create {dbgsettings}
bcdedit /create {hypervisorsettings}
bcdedit /create {badmemory}
bcdedit /create {memdiag}
  • 2. Establish proper settings for these optional entries
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} INHERIT {globalsettings}
bcdedit /set {current} INHERIT {bootloadersettings}
bcdedit /set {globalsettings} INHERIT {dbgsettings} {emssettings} {badmemory}
bcdedit /set {bootloadersettings} INHERIT {globalsettings} {hypervisorsettings}
bcdedit /set {resumeloadersettings} INHERIT {globalsettings}
bcdedit /set {emssettings} bootems YES
bcdedit /dbgsettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:1 BAUDRATE:115200
bcdedit /hypervisorsettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:1 BAUDRATE:115200
bcdedit /toolsdisplayorder {memdiag}

bcdedit /set {memdiag} description "Windows Memory Diagnostic"
bcdedit /set {memdiag} device partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume1
bcdedit /set {memdiag} path \boot\memtest.exe
bcdedit /set {memdiag} locale en-US
bcdedit /set {memdiag} inherit {globalsettings}
bcdedit /set {memdiag} badmemoryaccess Yes

  • 3. Link "Windows Boot Manager" and primary "Windows Boot Loader" to your existing "Resume from Hibernate" identifier (replace the GUID)
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} resumeobject {8de128fe-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459}
bcdedit /set {current} resumeobject {8de128fe-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459}

  • 4. Create loader entry for the "Recovery"(Repair My Computer)
  • Check C:\Recovery\ (gain access by adding "Users" READ permission)
  • Copy & Use that GUID here for device and osdevice - in my case 8de128ff-............ omitting the curly braces { } after [C:]\Recovery
  • On Line 2 and Line 3, for device and OSdevice, the final GUID after \Winre.wim doesnt exist yet (if you look carefully the 8th digit is changed - and will now have to be created .... 
  •  after \Winre.wim, create a NEW UNUSED GUID (change the 8th digit) - it will be used in step 6.
bcdedit /create {8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} /application osloader
bcdedit /set {8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} device ramdisk=[C:]\Recovery\8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459\Winre.wim,{8de128f5-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459}
bcdedit /set {8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} osdevice ramdisk=[C:]\Recovery\8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459\Winre.wim,{8de128f5-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459}
bcdedit /set {8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} path \windows\system32\winload.exe
bcdedit /set {8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} description "Windows Recovery Environment WinRE"
bcdedit /set {8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} inherit {bootloadersettings}
bcdedit /set {8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} systemroot \windows
bcdedit /set {8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} nx OptIn
bcdedit /set {8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} winpe yes

  • 5. Enable the {current} OS to allow the Recovery Sequence you just created
bcdedit /set {current} recoverysequence {8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459}
bcdedit /set {current} recoveryenabled Yes
  • 6. With that NEW UNUSED GUID you just created in step 4, create the "Ramdisk Options" entry for the Recovery Sequence
  • On Line 4, after \Recovery\ - use the GUID you found in C:\Recovery\ -again Omit the Curly braces { } 
bcdedit /create {8de128f5-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} /device
bcdedit /set {8de128f5-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} description "Ramdisk Options"
bcdedit /set {8de128f5-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} ramdisksdidevice partition=C:
bcdedit /set {8de128f5-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459} ramdisksdipath \Recovery\8de128ff-03a5-11e1-a7d3-a215a48a5459\boot.sdi

Now you are done, and might want to export again to not lose your work, "bcdedit /export C:\AFTER.BCD"


  1. As I said on g+, nothing like some saved free time! Thank you, mate, for spending that free time (and learning all of that) and sharing with us!

    After I moved my Windows installation, everything was really okay, except Startup Repair. And now I got it back and working. Thank you very much!

  2. In UEFI not work for me also changing winload.efi. Freze in loading...

  3. Saved me a ton of time and frustration, thank you.

  4. Excellent write-up. Thanks for putting in the effort to publish your work. Thanks mate.

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